The program outlined here will prepare students for transfer to a four-year college to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in computer game design. The curriculum follows the model provided by the Association of Computing Machinery and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society to assure maximum transferability. Upon graduation, students can expect to transfer to a four-year college with junior status. Effective problem solving is central to good game design and development. The software development process (composing and coordinating components of a program) requires that students construct algorithms for problem solving with appropriate documentation. This curriculum has been designed to prepare the student to work as a team and solve complex computer programming problems.The department recommends the following minimal criteria for prospective students in the Computer Game Development and Design option:
(1) High school diploma or equivalent;
(2) Cumulative high school grade point average of C or above;
(3) Ranked in top half of high school graduation class;
(4) No developmental studies requirement.
For More Information
Contact: Dr. Gerald Cohen
Phone: 732-255-0400, Ext. 2165.
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*Course requirements for degrees can and do change over time. Students are responsible for fulfilling the degree requirements that are in effect when they begin pursuing the degree.
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